Monday 27 September 2010

Week three in btec performing arts....

Monday 20th September 2010
In Monday's lesson we watched DV8's video. I really enjoyed watching this because I had never properly watched contemporary and understood the story behind it. The way they interpreted dance moves into every day male life. The clip we watched was Enter Achilles, its all about how men don't express their feelings and when they do, they can be classed as gay. DV8 presented the typical male sterio type incredibly well when they were dancing with the pint glass, stroling round the bar and cheering. I learnt alot in the sence that how they're moves flowed together. Not once did they stop, get up, and move on. Every move performed flowed into one-another and was natural to body movement and the subject of dance. Even though the dance was choreogaphed, it didnt look like it. Which is extremely clever because you have to know what each other is doing in order to trust them and take risks in contemporary dance.

Tuesday 21st September 2010
Tuesday we had a double lesson over lunch time. In the first lesson we continued the simple contemporary dance Miss Dolan had choreographed. We added floor work and signing dance(which is where you dance to the words). So that we could move on in the lesson after we continued to perform the dance until we knew it off by heart. We recorded our progress as a class and there is the video-
In the lesson after lunch we got into pairs or trios and choreographed our own ending. When choreographing we had to keep in mind the DV8 element of dance, flowing lines and movements, trust and to let go bt at the same time to be controlled. We also had to put a story behind our dance and put emotion and acting into the dance when performing it.  I went with Chloe Stockman.  Our story was: Supporting one another after a family death. We decided that as I was the smaller one i should be lifted to show that I was the one that maybe needed more support. We used leaning to show the ups and down of grieveing and we used close controlled movements to show the advantages of having family around when a loss is present. We used a sort of conter ballance to show the support and help after loosing someone. Here is our choreography-

Wednesday 22nd September 2010Wednesday's lesson was to do with assignment one, task one. Miss Dolan allowed us to plan our presentation/essay and maybe even start it. I have chosen to write and essay on DV8, Newson, the people who inspire him and  the purpose of the dances because I think I am a stronger essay writer than I am speaker. I am looking forward to starting this task because it will be interesting and may give me idea's of what story's i can put with dances I choreograph. I enjoyed this lesson because it helped me to work out what i will do, how, when and why. I can follow my plan very closely and this will show in my work.

Thursday 23rd September 2010
Thursday's lesson was with Miss Hearne. Unfortunately, Miss Hearne was ill but while she was recovering she set work for us to complete. We had to cut patterns, colour and anything that inspired us, that was to do with our colours for our cotumes, from magazines and put them on a mood board. My colours are: Pink, Creams and Golds. I learnt alot in this lesson because I saw how many different shades of my colours there were, how many different patterns I could use and different effects i could use. Next time I create a mood board I will maybe cut bigger images out and arrange my pictures/cuttings in a more artistic way. Overall I enjoyed this lesson, it was relaxing but interesting and it has made me more inspired to do well in this course.

Tomorrow at Kings Langley Secondary School there are open auditions for Rock Challenge. I am looking forward to this and will write up about my evening in the near future.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

An Introduction to assignment 1 of dance development

Wednesday 22nd September 2010Today we looked at assignment one in great detail. We were explained what we could include in the task. Assignment one is on DV8, in task one you can choose if you want to do a powerpoint presentation on DV8 or write and essay on DV8. I have chosen to write an essay on DV8. Because an essay is more complex than a powerpoint, i decided that i would plan my essay in detail today. I chose what i would put in my essay.
I'm going to include:
  • What DV8 are?
  • Who started them and about him?
  • Who inspires him and why?
  • Why DV8 dance about the topics they dance about?
  • And in the conclusion i will summarise DV8 and say if i like them or not.
I am really looking forward to delving into the depths of DV8 because they are different to noraml dance crews. There is a purpose behind everything, and that comes thorugh strongly in the dance.
Wish me luck in the assignment!

Friday 17 September 2010

My First Week In BTEC Performing Arts

Friday 17th September 2010
On Monday we were set our first assignment. Its the third one because its the longest. We discussed what we could do for the assignment and how we could back our points up with evidence. I really enjoyed this lesson because I am starting to understand how the course is going to work.
On Tuesday we had our first practical lesson!! We started  learn a basic contemporary routine that Miss Dolan choreographed. I really enjoyed this lesson because we got an in site to what the practical side of the course will be like. Plus I love dancing so that contributed to my enjoyment.
On Wednesday we had a costume construction lesson. In this lesson we did colour charts of the colours we had picked for our costume in the previous lesson. My colours are pink, neutral and gold. So i did a strip of all the different shades of pink and started my strip of neutrals. I will continue this next lesson along with my gold strip. I really enjoyed this lesson, it was calming and I liked seeing all the different shades i could use.
On Thursday we had another dance lesson. We continued to learn the contemporary dance we'd started in Tuesdays lesson. I really enjoyed this lesson as well, it was active and it was a really fun dance to learn.

Friday 10 September 2010

Induction Week To BTEC Performing Arts

Friday 10th September 2010
This week we have started BTEC Performing Arts. Its only the induction week but i've really enjoyed myself. In the first lesson the course was explained to us. The whole course sounds really exciting and interesting.
the second lesson we did was Costume Construction, in this lesson we chose the colour schemes for our costumes. I enjoyed this because we had an inside to the world of costume design.
In the third lesson we set up our blogs and tried to make it look nice.
In opur third lesson we went down to the media suit and we tried to mix a sountrack, i will upload this at a later date.

Today we blogged and sorted our portfolio out.
So far I love BTEC Performing Arts.
