Tuesday 22 March 2011

Photographic evidence.

Before the perfomance.

Photographic evidence.

In Rehearsals.

Bhangra- Week 5!

Monday 14th March 2011
On monday we decided that we were going to aim to develop motifs and develop the dance and choreography within the storyline. We worked really hard on emotion and what our character would be thinking at every point in the story. My character would mostly be upset because she wouldnt want her son to marry a woman form another religion. We also worked hard on interacting with one enother within the dance because we were constantly dancing as a solo artist without recognising that there were other people around us. Also in this lesson we managed to work particularky hard on the end scene where the couple would be split up and we would dance seperately. As an outcome of this lesson we fully completed the routine and added emotion and story alothough we did decide that this could use some more work. We also thought that we could keep going over the choreography so that everybody was absolutly certain about what they were doing.

Tuesday 15th March 2011
Tuesday was our double lesson. As a group we decided that we needed a lunch rehearsa. Overall our total lesson aim was to develop motifs, finish the routine and to develop emotion and character. In the first lesson we finished all the choreography for our overall performance and we made sure all memebers of our group understood where they were dancing in each scene, where they would be moving to and how. In our lunch rehearsal we changed a little bit of the routine because, when we danced it to the music all the way thorugh we found that this part of the dance, in particular, didn't really work. Everybody in the group were struggling with this part. We had a small break at the end of lunch because it is important that you have time to recover, relax and to re-hydrate. In the final lesson of the day we continually re-ran our routine and fitted it in place with the other group. This was because we were performing at caberet and had to all dance as one. In the next lessons that would keep practising  the routine, remeber changes and to rememeber the other groups routine if people needed to. As an outcome we polished the routine and made sure everyone remembered teh routine.

Wednesday 16th March 2011
We said that in this lesson we needed to re-polish teh routine and finalise it with the routine. We practised most of the parts that were needed for the other group. We as a whole 'btec performing arts group' worked on the end possitions. We also had our rehearsal for caberet which allowed us to work out possitions on the stage. We said that in the following lessons before caberet we would practise everything that we were unsure about in the rehearsal.

Thursday 17th March 2011
We continually ran the whole routine and made sure everyone understood what they were doing. In this lesson we performed it to younger students and asked for their opinion. They thought it was brilliant. We said we should work on the end positions for timings.

Friday 18th March 2011
We worked out the timings and the other groups lift. We put everything together and made sure it was brilliant. In caberet we had to make sure we were OTT and smiled alot!
Caberet was amazing, I really enjoyed myself. we all put huge amounts of energy and i had some people tell me we made it look effortless. The stories came togther and this was shown in the audience's feedback. There was an amzing atmosphere and i really enjoyed myself.

Monday 14 March 2011

Research on Bhangra.

After re_reading my feedback sheet i have discovered that i have to do a review on a Hrithik Roshan dance instead of jai ho. I will do the review on the dance that Hrithink did at a TV show.
Hrithik is an inspirational bhangra/western style dancer because he uses both styles and combines them together in genius choreography. He does a lot of popping and locking and then does a few counts that are really bouncy and more traditional style bhangra. He also twists the traditional moves of bhangra, for example he uses isolations of the legs and ribs followed by head and neck and entwines a western street feel into them. He also uses a few more contemporary/ballet moves and then uses the tradition move of; twisting the lightbulb’. However, through the dance he keeps a steady constant beat which is extremely clever.  I think the thing that make Hrithik so cutting edge in bhangra is that he is unique and he has almost completely broken away from the traditional elements of bhangra and moved over to street. In my opinion he has modernized bhangra and has brought it into a new era, in other words he has almost created a new dance style had has given bhangra a good name. He is well liked by many women and children in India because although he is unique and has a very strong street dance style he interprets some tradition bhangra moves in and moves its so slick and quick that its not noticeable as being different.

Bhangra- Week 4!

Monday 7th March 2011
On Monday we decided as a group that our aim would be to develop our motifs and to develop our routines. On Monday we also decided about new tracks. Over the weekend most of our group had been researching different types of music we could use for our performance to make it unique and yet bouncy. This was one of the things we wanted to do from reflection last lesson so i think this was great team work. We found a few different songs and this was good because when we tried to do one of our dances to 'Jai ho' by the pussycat dolls it didn't go because it was too rushed, but when we danced it to a new song we found called 'Lover mera hit hit by bilu barber' it went perfectly. Why dont you take a listen: 

Tuesday 8th March 2011
On Tuesday we tried to finish the routine. Unfortunately we were unable to because everyones music is on one ipod so its very hard to share it equally! This is our aim for the next lesson. In Tuesday's lesson we also gave miss most of our timings so that she could put them into a mini soundtrack so that we can perform in caberet on friday! Our main element in this lesson was to see if our choreography portrayed the storyline 'forbidden love'. In the following lessons we aim to work on emotion and depth in our performance.

Wednesday 9th March 2011
Wednesday was a costume construction lesson. Unfortunately we were in the TC's so we were unable to get much work done, although we were able to paint our costume designs for our corsets. Some of us even manged to add detail in with our coloured pencils. We didnt have enough time to fully finish it all, so our homework is to finish this!

This weeks been extremely hecktick but very fun! Tonight i will blog about the dance jai ho, this is to do with my research side of the assignment!

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Bhangra- Week 3!

Monday 28th FebruaryIn Mondays lesson we learnt a dance that would develop the western feel into our bhangra. It was not a bhnagra dance it was more contemporary but the dance we learnt had a very touching story behind it so it gave us a chance to really act our stories so that we would be able to do it for our bhangra stories. Throughout the lesson we learnt the dance in sections and made sure we knew the dance perfectly so that we could just dance it and be able to add the emotion in naturally. In the dance we learnt the story was domestic violence, because we chose this many of the moves were hand isolations and movements because in such cases where there was/is rape or domestic violence the victims tend to remeber the hands of people because they do not want to see the evil faces of the attcker. By the end of the lesson we had all enjoyed learning the dance and were very moved by each others performances. As some action points for the next lesson we thought it would be better to get back into the bollywood feel. As a class, after the lesson we felt we had achieved a fantastic outcome. We just needed to learn to use western dance and add feeling and emotion into our bhangra choreography.

Tuesday 1st March
Tuesday was our double lesson and our aim was to interpret bollywood themes from stimuli. We had to create in our groups a bhangra story, but being aware of certain elements we had to choose one of the following stories:
  • Love
  • Passion
  • Forbidden Love
  • Chase
  • Family
  • Disapproval
We chose forbidden love. Our story was that we would have a girl as a christian and a boy as hindu and they would fall in love. But as soon as their families found out they were forbidden to be together. The christian family would interpret a more contemporary style into their bhangra and the hindu family would be more traditional but include elements of street. We disscussed some crutial things we thought should be in our performance, we said that there should be lots of reaching and ,as every bhangra fil/story has, a comedy element. Our comedy element would be the proposal. And although it is forbidden love there has to be a happy ending as this is one of a few bhangra/bollywood rules. I was in a group with Katie, Laura, Ellie, Chloe and Kelly. We felt that in our next lesson we should develop our story further and pt it into a dance. Our rehearsal outcome was that we had brainstormed a stroy to do with forbidden love.

Wednesday 2nd March
On Wednesday we had to develop our motifs through choreography. We, as a group, decided that we should start as families, come together as a group and dance, go into a line and do some effects, katie and kelly break off. We only managed to choreograph 7 counts of eigth but atleast everyone knows what they're doing at the begining of our performance. This was where we got to put the simple moves we learnt on the 25th January into practise. In the next lesson we decided we needed to work on finishing our story and make sure that it is clear to our audience.

Thursday 3rd March
On Thursday we again had to develop our motifs. We choreographed our fight scene. This is where the families find out that the couple are in love and they are dancing together/fighting/arguing. We made sure that we mixed the contemporary and street dancers. The notes from this lesson would be to polish thee scene and to add more feeling and story to it. Over the weekend we were told to look at different bhangra music we could use in our performance. An outcome of the rehearsal would be that we created new choreography for our peice.

Friday 4th March
Friday was a great lesson. We watched a current bhnagra movie from India. Although we could not understand it, it gave us a great concept of the story and made us really think about how we can get our story across through dance. It also gave us some brilliant idea's of unique moves we could include in our performance!

I really really enjoyed this week and am really enjoying bhangra!
