Monday 19 September 2011

Taking a break..

This week in performing arts we have been focusing on creating choreography for a competition our group will be competeing in. We are dancing and singing to the hairspray song 'you cant stop the beat', i have enjoyed this as this is really the style of dance i do best! cheesey ott dancing! I've previously done dance routines to this song so i have merged them together and created some choreography that i have taught the group. Although very tiring i love this dance! It makes me happy and bubbly which is what dancing is mean to do!

In costume design we have been focusing on bringing the work already done together and placing it on boards to create topical mood boards for this topic. We have finished some costume designs and completed all research, we have begun to present our boards and have attacked fabric swatches.

Also this week i took part in a national ISTD qulifying competition. In these competitions you compete against other girls and boys in your age and medal catagory for a place at the national finals which will take place on the 9th of october. At this competition i danced rock'n'roll with my partner because i have qualified in set dance at a previous event. When we danced rock'n'roll they played the music for a long time, and considering rock'n'roll is a very technical yet uobeat dance this made us very tired and we lost engergy. I didnt think we'd get a call back for the next round but we did! and we danced much better! round after round we got through and we even got into the final! Nand although we didnt qualifie for the nationals i am proud to say that we came 4th out of about 25 couples! it was a successful day of dancing!                                                                                                                         
This shows my partner and i when we collected our medals for 4th place.

Sunday 11 September 2011

First Week back in performing arts!

Well, although we didnt have performing arts much this week because we just got back off of the summer holidays and had a half week, we've already cracked on and done an assessment! how good are we!

Over the summer we had to memorise and learn our own individual monologues! The monologue that i was given to perform was called 'And turning, stay'. It was an argument between lovers who had broken up. I've never really been in this position before so to get a real idea of how you'd feel in a situation i spoke to my mum! she told me that if you've just broken up with someone you really love then of course you're going to feel hurt upset and sad. One other thing that she said some people feel is, insecure and vunerable. As  this was my first performance of something like this i decided that i would use the 'vunerability' idea. I knew i would be nervous, even though i wouldnt be performing to a live audience, so i decided that i'd use my nerves and turn it into the vunerable character who is feeling very insecure! I performed it, it was filmed and fingers crossed i did ok?!!!
One other thing we did this week was get our observation sheets back, one thing i forgot to do was do some research on the kit kat grils from Caberet, so expect to see that on here soon guys!

We had costume construction this week too, we tried to finalize our initial costume designs as we will be needing them soon to start making them! how exciting!

speak during the week!

Summer Holidays!

Wow, back to work already after a nice relaxing but fun filled holiday! I've done a few things that will correspond with performing arts!

One being that I danced at watford football clubs open day with their dance troop! We performed 3 times and met all the players! This gave me an insight to the performing industry because the audience were relatively close, and you have express facial expressions so that the audience don't think you're bored up there dancing! Therefore it makes you thing about the audiences view on the performance! I really enjoyed this because like rock challenge it gives you an adrenaline rush!

Linking to rock challenge I also took part in a radio interview on behalf of rock challenge for radio one on underage drinking! This gave me an insight to the performing arts industry because it made you think of how you had to speak clearly! You had to think carefully before you spoke and when you spoke it had to be clear because the audience might not understand what you say! Especially as they can't see you! This also makes it more difficult because you have to think about the tone, expression and emotion of your voice so that the audience can really get the message across because again they can't see you!

I've also been doing work on my costume design, learning monologues and creating dance routines for our musical theatre project! I haven't worked much on finishing assignment 3 but have done a little bit! I just need to add more so that I can get my grade up to a distinction!

Speak soon about my week back at performing arts!
