Wednesday 12 January 2011

The week of the performance!!

Monday 6th December 2010
On Monday we just worked on our duo's for the performance on friday night. We were in the TC's so it was hard to move about without hurting ourselves or other students.

Tuesday 7th December 2010
In the first half of our double lesson on Tuesday we were still in the TC's and we worked on our group dance called Ramalama, Our group dance heart beat and some duo work. I found this tiring and slightly hcallenging ot perform to my full potential because there was hardly any room to dance and i didnt want to hurt myself or any others. In the second half of the lesson we worked on our group routine, i again found this slightly challenging because some members of our group couldnt remember the routine which then makes some other members of the group look weaker?
After school i worked with my friend Sophie on our Rock'N'Roll routine for friday. It was quite challenging because we had to work out the routine and one of us had to change to boy footwork.

Wednesday 8th December 2010
On Wednesday we had the hall so we did a brief run thorugh of the show on friday. this was challenging in some ways because moves that had worked in a smaller space didnt work out so well on a larger floor. So we had to change parts of our duo dance.
At lunch i constructed two of my rosettes for my costume construstion work.

Thursday 9th December 2010I part finished all four of my rosettes in my costume construction lesson. I also helped a friend in my group, i demonstrated how to use a glue gun and how to glue tartan.

Friday 10th December 2010
We again did a review of the show in the hall and had to adapt our routine.
Review of the Show.

Our show was for our practical assessment of the past term and the choreography we’d created. Most of the dances performed were inspired by DV8. We had guest dancers to break the dances up and give us a chance to recover.  In our show I performed in 3 whole group dances, 1 small group dance, 1 duo and a rock’n’roll presentation. The show was on the 10th December and was attended by 78 friends and family members. When we started organising the event we decided that tickets would be free but programs should be brought. All money raised would be divided between C.R.Y foundation and the performing arts fund. Overall we made £95.42. We had the KLSA providing drinks and snacks in the interval. In the various meetings we had to organise our evening we were all allocated jobs, mine was to ask the KLSA to provide the catering for the interval. Within our show we had a presentation to explain the DV8 theory.  Under task three in my portfolio is examples of our advertising, the posters, tickets and programs. Here is a pictures from our evening as evidence:

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