Sunday 3 October 2010

Week four in btec performing arts...

Well wow. Week four already, i cant believe it! They say time fly's when your having fun- so far i've enjoyed performing arts so much! I've learnt loads in such a short space of time. Well here's my review of the week. Hope you enjoy!
Monday 27th September 2010
On Monday we were up in the drama studio so we didnt have much space, but we tried our best and still had a great time.
Our first/ warm up task was to get into pairs, stand back to back and move around the room but it had to be flowing. This was interesting because you had to think, if i go one way my partners going to have to do the other way and that might be hard for them because we have to stay back to back. Our second/ main task was to say in the same pairs we and had to work out a way of travelling from one side of the studio to the other. But we couldnt travel in any ordinary way, no, we had to travel in the style of DV8. So everything was flowing and natural. So if you started on the floor you couldnt suddenly get up and do a lift because 1) it didnt flow and 2) it was forced and interpreted. This was incredibly fun, not only did it get us out of our normal choreographic minds but it gave us a bit of problem solving to do. It also made us work as a mini team, you had to put trust in the person you were working with. Although we were choreographing, it was a natural choreographing. It gave us a good insite to how DV8 work and how we can interpret this in our final DV8 assesment.

Tuesday 28th September 2010
Tuesday's lesson was in the hall so it was easier to move about with personal space. We continued on from the work we did on Monday as a starter/ warm up. Then as the main part of the lesson Miss Dolan made it more complicated. We had to work in groups of 6 and do the same. This was more challenging because only 3 people could move at one time and they could not be standing next to each other. This made us think more about how we could move forward in a semi-creative way. I was quite hard but alot of fun, it made us think alot more. As on Monday, it gave us an insite to how DV8 work. I think these two workshops will help us understand how and why Newson choreographed DV8 like he did.

Wednesday 29th September 2010
On Wednesday we had a costume construction lesson with Miss Hearne. A couple of lessons we did our pain colour palets. This lesson we did the same, but with magazines. We looked through many magazines and cut/ripped pages out that had our colours on them. Then once we had enough pages we cut the bit of the page that had our colour on and arranged them on a strip of card in order. From darkest to lightest. This took up the whole lesson as most of it we were browsing through magazines. I think this lesson helped us understand that there are many shades of one colour and that those colours can be presented in different ways.

Thursday 30th September 2010
In Thursday's lesson we had another costume construction lesson. In this lesson we developed from Wednesday's lesson. We made our mood boards for our chosen colours. I decided as gold and cream were, in a way, on the same colour palet i'd do them on the same mood board. In previous lesson's we had collected images of 19th and 18th century costumes that had our colours on them. So, we arranged these in a decorative manor on our A2 piece of paper, once we'd arranged them we were allowed to choose a few samples of material from Miss Hearne's box. When we'd placed them on our board and had checked with Miss that it looked alright we glued the pictures and material down. I enjoyed this lesson because it made me look in detail at what historical cotumes are like, it also made me think of what designs i could use for my costume. Here is a picture of my cream and gold mood board:

1 comment:

  1. Well you had a busy week didn't you Chloe!! I love the mood board and seeing how it is coming together is really quite exciting.

    The dance workshops blogging show you really do have an understanding of what you are doing and why you are doing it. You are really starting to get into this course now, and I am impressed with what I am reading. Keep it up and keep developing your what, how and why!

