Sunday 24 October 2010

Week six in btec performing arts...

Monday 18th October 2010
On Monday Miss Dolan wasn't in so we re-watched Enter Achilles (by DV8) and made notes on how DV8 perform action, space, dynamics and relationship. We stopped and re-winded the DVD to make these notes.
Under action i wrote:

1) A lot of travelling + contact that's natural.
    Stretching and reaching.

2) Interlocking, flowing, reaching, lifts, hunched.
3) Rolling, spinning.
    Interlock, childish(boy at heart)

4) Killing manhood

Under space i wrote:
1) Work their way around objects, involve them.
    Travelling not just standing still.

2) A big group, moving in unison.

Under dynamics i wrote:
1) Dynamics vary, high-low, floor work, not contained- very free.
2) Quite contained but yet very flowing, choreographed.
3) Flowing and continual.

Under relationship i wrote:
1) Contact with each other, rolling over each other, interact with each other, friendly, competition, outside looking in.
2) Big group(stereo typical man), one outside(showing emotion)
    Gang sticking together push out the unique one.

3) Using a prop to interpret story and meaning.
4) Competition with each other.

Tuesday 19th October 2010
Tuesday was our double lesson. In the first lesson we were in the Tc's so we had little room. Instead of just dancing we looked at the certain elements of the 'Get The Box' dance. My partner and I made up the moves for:
-sink to the floor

-grab and pull leg
-racing start
-lift onto back
-crawl to object in slow motion
-raise object in slow motion
-raise object without using hands
We wrote our rehearsal log and thought about how we could make these elements flow using dance. It was challenging because you start to use the same moves twice. Lloyd Newson was incredibly smart to make everything flow without repeating himself.
In the second lesson we were in the hall so we put all the components together. It was all about trial and error because some of the moves we'd thought up in the previous lesson didn't work so well with the choreography we'd planned. In the end we'd made up most of our routine and polished it. I really saw what its like to be a member of DV8.

Wednesday 20th October 2010
On Wednesday we just kept going over and over our routine. We didn't actually make up anymore of the routine but we really concentrated hard on making it flow with unique and daring choreography. I really enjoyed this lesson because i learnt to trust my partner and use daring moves. My mind frame was in what i would imagine Newson's mind frame to be in when he created DV8's performances.

Thursday 21st October 2010
Thursday's lesson was a costume construction lesson. We looked at the research we'd done on denim. Then we were shown how to design a costume. First we traced the model off of the template very lightly with our pencils. After this we drew an idea of a 'We Will Rock You' style costume. Once we'd drawn this we used water colours to paint our design. We were meant to do 3 but i was steady with my hand and i only made one design. I really enjoyed this lesson because it gave me a good in site to the costume construction industry and how West End productions create their costumes.

Friday 22nd October 2010
Friday's lesson was dance. We discussed assignment 3 again so we definitely knew what to do. By the time everyone had said their piece half the lesson had gone. We had half an hour to re-go over our partner dance.

1 comment:

  1. An excellent start to BTEC Performing Arts Chloe, well done! You are really working hard and it is starting to show in your practical work as well as your blog! I can't wait to see your costume ideas.

