Tuesday 4 October 2011

The Past Two Weeks..

These past two weeks we have been working on our hairspray routine. We performed it last Sunday. Although we have worked incredibly hard on the routine and had to work out the dynamics and we discovered that the singers couldn't dance and sing at the same time so although they had to do the dance moves they didn't do them as energetically as the rest of the group.

When we got to the event (MSH got talent)  on Sunday the 2nd October 2011. We rehearsed and supported the other rehearsing acts, all the singers rehearsed with the head mics. They were around £2000 each, which scared some of the singers i think! Allthough we felt very professional and it was amazing experience we saw that the stage was much deeper than expected! So before we did our technical rehearsal we walked through the routine and worked out the position's.

We did our technical rehearsal and we all thought that we did well and we really enjoyed dancing it! In the evening we went back and got ready! We did all our hair and make up and got into our costumes. Here are some pictures of us!

We performed 5th, we were all incredibly pleased with the performance and the audience's reaction was amazing! We were all buzzing with adrenaline from the performance. However we soon all clicked back into reality when we got some harsh comments from some of the judges! Overall we were scored 26 out of 40, which i am sure all the girls will say, we were pretty disappointed with that as we thought we had performed really well. In my opinion i thought it was the best we had ever danced it! During the interval we all had individual audience members come up to us and say that we had been judged wrongly and that they really enjoyed the performance. Unfortunately, our day was somewhat ruined by the comments of the judges. Although i am still incredibly pleased with our performance and with all the girls.

Overall it had been a brilliant 2 weeks and performing for MSH got talent really gave the girls and i an insider to the performing arts industry. It gave us a chance to experience things that they use in the industry such as the equipment. We were exposed to some criticism and when in the performance industry you have to be able to accept that and work on the comments. Bounce back from any unreasonable comments and carry on performing, which we have been doing.

i have thoroughly enjoyed these two weeks! Its sad to think that these two years could be coming to an end soon.

1 comment:

  1. A very mature evaluation Chloe and one that I am sure we can all learn from. You all performed brilliantly, and like you say, strangers from the audience went out of their way to tell you this. This is evidence for assignment 4 & 5 musical theatre, well done.

