Tuesday 8 November 2011

jazz and a busy two weeks...

To start with we are working on our next assignment, jazz dance! Which i am very excited about as it is much similar to disco/freestyle which is the dance style i feel most comfortable in. We started with learning a dance choreographed by Miss Dolan and i am thoroughly enjoying it. Whilst half way through that we moved onto our individual choreography tasks, we had to split into groups one of which will choreograph a contemporary jazz routine, another a street jazz routine and lastly one will choreograph a Rock'n'Roll jazz routine. We will later teach these dances to the rest of the class. I am in the group that is choreographing the rock'n'roll routine. I really enjoy rock'n'roll and i am extremely pleased that i am in this group. We picked the song 'Candyman' by Christina Aquleria as this is a very upbeat and bouncy song much like rock'n'roll techniques. Although its, at the moment, not completed we are partly thorugh choreographing and only have a little bit more to do!
Secondly the other weekend i had tickets to the x-factor live shows! WOW, it was amazing, i enjoyed myself so much. All the contestants were amazing and so were the dancers. Going to the x-factor really gave me an insight to the performing arts industry, i got to see all the dancers preparing themselves, make up touch ups, the wy the cameras worked and timings for television. The layout of the studio was incredible! seeing all the dancers up on stage makes me what to be a west end dancer so much more. A dancer more than a singer because i am not comfortable with singing and need to work on my vocals a lot more! I had an amazing day and evening! i also got to meet John Wilding and Luke Lucas contestants that didnt make it to the live shows and they were so kind and lovely!

Finally, I danced at watford football club on halloween weekend! I am part of the 'Watford trust awareness dancers' every so often we perform dances we have worked on before the match and at half time. Although it is slightly embarressing when you spot people in the audience you know because you are so close to them and in character. However i wore a mask as it was halloween and nobody could tell who i was! I love dancing at watford because you get to see the audience's reaction immediately and the adrenaline rush is incredible. Although at this performance the footballers were practise shooting behind us and one ball did nearly hit my head, rather scary!
Overall i have thoroughly enjoyed the past couple of weeks and it has made me realise my love for the industry! even if i have realised i need to work on my singing!

1 comment:

  1. You have certainly been busy Chloe, and with so many different styles of dance and performance. Your jazz workshop is getting there now, you just need about 20 more seconds to ensure you have enough to break down to teach to the rest of the group.

