Saturday 18 February 2012

jazz evaluation

Workshops I was in.

When we originally found out that we have to lead a workshop I was apprehensive but as soon as we started choreographing I found that the leadership skills almost came naturally. Whilst in the workshops I explained basic steps alongside more technical steps. Throughout the workshop I helped my fellow team members and ensured that the other members of the class understood what they were doing. Each section was broken down into individual sections and these where performed to the music once half completed and fully completed. When each section was put together it was also put to music then too. Overall I enjoyed leading the workshop that I did because it boosted my confidence and I enjoyed teaching members of the class a new style. I think our workshop went well.

Workshops I took part in.

The two workshops I was in were the lyrical jazz and the street jazz. Out of the two I would say I found the lyrical jazz more difficult because I have not been trained in that area of dance whereas I have been for street. During the workshops any steps that I or any other member of the class found difficult was explained and/or repeated again. However in the lyrical jazz workshop I did enjoy it because it gave me a chance to learn a dance or style that I dint usually dance out of choice. It gave me an insight to the style and I would definitely dance it again. Although some moves were difficult I found both the workshops easy to handle and nothing was too challenging, the only difficulty if any was the space we had to dance in.


What I did.
During workshops I directed class members on how to do technical moves and execute them correctly. I helped other members of my group when/if they got stuck and I helped any member of the class that didn’t understand something. When taking part in a workshop I listened and participated, I questioned if I found difficulty and I learnt fantastic routines of different styles within jazz.
What style I preferred.
Out of the two workshops I participated in I would say that I preferred the street jazz to the lyrical jazz. Most probably because I have been trained in that dance area. However I did enjoy participation in the lyrical jazz as I loved the choreography and the way the space we had was used. I enjoyed the Rock’n’Roll jazz workshop that I partly led because I am also trained in that area of dance too.
What was involved?
The things we had to do were lead a workshop in a dance that we had choreographed in a group to the rest of the group, we also had to take part in workshops and it had to be filmed as evidence.
How could I improve?
If I were to re-do this task I would probably do a few things to improve these would be:
-Be more confident in speaking
-Go round and ensure each member of the class understood and perform one-to-one help if needed
-Face the class so that it was easier for them to see and understand
-Teach the class in better surroundings.

1 comment:

  1. An effective and well written evaluation Chloe. You clearly state what you did and how you would improve if you could do it again. This will help you moving forward onto your last assignment.

