Wednesday 1 February 2012

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Basic Overview.
The play is set in Italy and it starts with two young lovers, Lysander and Hermia, escaping to the forest to escape the strict instructions of Hermia’s father. Hermia’s father says that she is promised to Demetrius, he is another young man that loves her. Demetrius follows Hermia and Lysander into the forest because a girl called Helena told him, Helena is in love with Demetrius. Once they are all in the forest the wander into the fairy world which is ruled by King Oberon(a god) and Queen Titania (a goddess). Oberon and his servant Puck cause absolute mayhem amongst the young lovers with a magic potion that causes both Lysander and Demetrius to fall in love with Helena. This causes a rift between the characters which eventually causes a brawl/wrestling match, in mud! Meanwhile Oberon uses the same potion on Titania which causes her to fall in love with the local weaver and actor, Nick Bottom. Puck has previously furnished him with the head of an ass. Titania woos bottom in her boudoir in the woods, all the fairies attend. Oberon soon tires of the whole situation and rights all the wrongs he’s performed. He pairs Lysander back with Hermia and Demetrius with Helena and reconciles with his own queen, Titania. In the final part of the film, Bottom and his troupe of ‘rude mechanicals’ perform their amateur play, which is based on the tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe, before Duke Theseus and his wife Hippolyta and the rest of the court. This unintentionally produces a comedy.
The Characters.
Titania- Titania is the queen of the fairies and she is married to the king of the fairies, Oberon. She is a very proud character. She resists the temptation of the Indian prince that her husband gives her.  She temporarily falls in love with Nick Bottom whom head has been transformed into an ass’ head.
Oberon- Oberon is king of the fairies, he is married to Titania although not so sure about her at the beginning of the play. Because Titania didn’t fall into his trap of the young Indian prince, he wants revenge. Oberon causes Titania to fall in love with Puck who’s head has been transformed into an ass’.
Bottom- Nick bottom is the overconfident weaver who is chosen to play Pyramus in the craftsmen’s play for Theseus‘s marriage celebration. Bottom is full of advise and he is extremely self confident, although he usually makes silly mistakes and gets his words mixed up. When Titania temporarily falls in love with him he becomes arrogant but he is unaware that his head is that of an ass.
Puck-  Puck is Oberon’s jester and he is very mischievous. He enjoys playing pranks on people.  He causes some of the upset with the magic and he is the character that turns Bottoms head into an ass’ head. His high spirits and mischievous ways makes the atmosphere seem golden.
Peaseblossom- Peaseblossom is one of the fairies that is ordered by Queen Titania to attend to Bottom when she falls in love with him.
Mustardseed- Mustardseed is another one of the fairies that is ordered by Queen Titania to attend to Bottom when she falls in love with him.
Cobweb- Cobweb is yet another of the fairies that is ordered by Queen Titania to attend to Bottom when she falls in love with him.
Moth-  Moth is also one of the fairies that is ordered by Queen Titania to attend to bottom when she falls in love with him.

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