Saturday 18 February 2012

Musical theatre evluation

Cabaret Piece.

I was in a group with Shannon and Shauna and we were given the song ‘Cabaret’ to sing from the production Cabaret. All three of us are very shy when it came to singing, but to get a distinction we had to sing a solo so we decided that we would divide the song up so that we each got a solo and then we would sing the chorus and any other bits altogether or in twos. This was also a good idea as we had to dance at the same time, and dancing and singing confidently at the same time is difficult especially if you aren’t the most outgoing person when it comes to singing. With musical theatre you have to be very over the top and characterised so we had to do some research on the film and storyline first. We all agreed that it was definitely the singing we needed to focus on most, being so we decided to choreograph the dance routine first as we knew we could get this done quickly and we could then focus on singing techniques. (Choreography notes in folder section ‘Musical theatre’). We made sure that all the choreography was facing outwards towards the audience because if we turned our backs it would ruin the effect completely. We all found this task challenging, but our performance went well and we enjoyed it. To improve myself I think I’d just have to have more confidence in myself. I will use this confidence when singing in our end of year show.

Monologue. ‘And turning stay’

Our monologues were a solo piece and we were each given a different piece to perform. We were all given a sheet with our monologue on and we were told to annotate it and learn it. This was homework so we spent no class time on it. The day we filmed it we did so in the drama studio and used the lights. I had the piece called ‘And turning Stay’ which is about a break up between a couple. I have never been in this situation so I had to link it to a time when I thought maybe a relationship of mine was close to breaking. This would help me portray the emotion in the performance. The things I found difficult in the task was probably remembering the lines but I think everyone has that difficulty, one other thing that I think maybe hindered my confidence was the nerves when you get in front of the camera, it’s almost as if your mind goes blank and you can’t remember anything, but once you conquer that its fine. To improve I would say I had to add more emotion into the performance and maybe have more confidence with it. Evidence of this is on the kls performing arts blog

1 comment:

  1. Well evaluated Chloe. I particularly like how you have thought about how you had to play the drama piece, and this in turn gives you the confidence to perform your piece with commitment to character. Your singing I know caused you worry, but you needed to do this to show that you have a rounded and confident skill set within performing arts. This you did!

